Terms of license

  • Luis Felipe Corullón is the owner (licensor) of the digital product that governs these terms.
  • By downloading and installing the digital product you agree with all the terms and license, which is a legal contract between you and Luis Felipe Corullón. Just proceed if you agree with all the terms.
  • The license is strictly personal and do not allow you to transfer or sublicense.
  • You can cancel the contract/license by removing all the copies of the digital product from your devices.
  • The license refers to ONE copy of the script (to run on a SINGLE computer). To any aditional copies needed, contact us at contato@corullon.com.br
  • The digital product could not be shared in common storage device to be used from multiple users. Each single user/computer must have its own license to use the digital product.
  • Even under a licensed use, you’re not allowed to modify, alter, adapt, derive, mix, import, export or translate the digital product. You also can not decompile, disassemble, attempt to decode, use any of reverseengineer or any other ways to discover the source code of the digital product.
  • You’re also prohibited to sell, rent, lease, lend, deploy or sublicense the digital product.
  • Do not store your licensed digital product in shared storages, networks or any other kind of service. You can save ONE copy of the digital product in a SINGLE personal storage device that is not shared and where the digital product is not being used (just stored to backup purposes).